Arlington Heights Wood Stripping & Staining

Why You Should Stain and Seal Your Wood
A major source of problems and complaints for all wood finishes is over-application of the coating. Many do-it-yourselfers believe that when it comes to coating, more is better. This is simply not the case and is particularly a problem for woods. For water repellent products, over-application can result in a surface which is overly waxy, sticky, or slick. Over-applied stains will often result in sticky surfaces, since the coating buildup interferes with their ability to dry properly. If you would like to have your wood last for years to come and look the same way it did when you built it, then having Arlington Heights wood staining is the way to go.
All exterior wood needs to be protected from rotting, water absorption, ultraviolet rays, moss, and mildew. If left untreated or neglected your wood could deteriorate costing thousands of dollars in unnecessary damage to your Arlington Heights home.